a la Mere

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Recipe Roundup

I have always enjoyed cooking and baking and one of my most cherished routines since being in quarantine at my sister and brother-in-laws house in Colorado is every Sunday we create a menu for the week ahead. We have complete opposite diets so it has been fun experimenting with new recipes and finding things we all enjoy. I thought I would share a few of the recipes we have made and enjoyed this past MONTH in quarantine. Truly can’t believe I've been here for 4 weeks already. 

Sweets + Treats 

Kale Junkie Life Changing Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sugared Coconut Black Bean Brownies  

Sakara Cookie Dough Bites 

Sugared Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Rachel Goods Eats “Twix”  

Oat Chia waffles

Dinner inspo

White Bean Kale Soup 

Vegan Chili  + Corn muffins 

Bread in 5 Gluten Free Pizza Crust (going to try THIS one this week) 

Gwyneth Paltrow's Fish Tacos  (served with Spicy Mergartias of course) 

Coconut Rice  

Vegan Cesar Salad 

Vegan + Nut free Pesto Pasta 

30-Minute Coconut Curry 

We’re always looking for new recipes to try so please send me any recommendations!! 

